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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Marc Almond / Things We Lost (Expanded Version)【K2022/10/28発売】(マーク・アーモンド)

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新品 4906円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :30961178925
中古 :30961178925-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Marc 発売日 2025/02/09 19:26 定価 6290円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Marc Almond / Things We Lost (Expanded Version)【K2022/10/28発売】(マーク・アーモンド)

3CD expanded edition of Things We Lost, a celebration of Marc Almonds 65th birthday year. As the centrepiece of his 65th birthday celebrations, Marc has reconvened with award winning record producer Chris Braide (Sia, Hans Zimmer, Lana Del Ray, Beyonce and Nicki Minaj) to create a concise and unforgettable suite of six ultra vivid story-telling songs for an all new mini-album Things We Lost. This audio gem is expanded on a 3CD set with the additional inclusion of the audio from the exclusive and acclaimed live concert performed at the Royal Festival Hall in 2020 with Chris Braide and featuring Ian Anderson (Jethro Tull); a celebration, too, of the wider Marc Almond and Chris Braide songwriting partnership. The bonus 2-disc concert, Chaos And More includes live versions of all the tracks from their recent collaboration, Chaos And A Dancing Star album from 2020, as well as six tracks from their first collaboration in 2015, The Velvet Trail album. Disc One is the Things We Lost studio mini-album which contains the highly emotive song Dead Stars, a tour de force lyrical evocation of the legendary status famous stars can attain once deceased. Just as deftly drawn is the songwriting genius of Wolf (Modern Life) which distils an almost psychotic projection of self as prey to the enveloping forces of darkness. Evocative and emotive reflections on ageing and the passing of time; eulogies to the loss of lives fully lived are both omnipresent in the reflective power of the songs A Flowered Goodbye and the searing title track. Feel good album opener, Golden Light, seems like a feel good, upbeat paean to love and joy. Seemingly, it elucidates a worthy aspiration to a carefree existence in the all too often elusive sunny uplands of happiness and lovers togetherness... but then again, with deft mastery of the contrarian lyrical form, Marc Almond plants the idea that, perhaps, the Golden Light isnt any of these things! Siren continues the theme of the title track of Marcs first collaborative album with Chris Braide, The Velvet Trail (2015). Discs Two and Three contain the Chaos & More 37 song live set which also includes some of Chris Braide!s best known compositions. "Unstoppable! (Sia) and "Kill And Run! (for the film The Great Gatsby), an emotive stripped back piano and voice suite of cult songs from the Marc Almond and Soft Cell back catalogues as well cover versions paying tribute to Marc Almond and Chris Braide!s unifying love of Marc Bolan; "Children Of The Revolution! And "Change!.2022/10/28 発売UK盤レーベル: IMPORTS収録曲:(マークアーモンド)




