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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Mick Ralphs / On The Run 1984-2013【K2023/11/24発売】

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管理番号 新品 :30961290021
中古 :30961290021-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Mick 発売日 2025/02/18 17:08 定価 8490円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Mick Ralphs / On The Run 1984-2013【K2023/11/24発売】

Four solo albums from the guitarist and songwriter Mick Ralphs who was a founder member of two of the most important rock bands of the 1970s; Mott The Hoople and Bad Company. Mick Ralphs wrote many key songs across seven Mott The Hoople albums, followed by six records with Bad Company; these included Rock and Roll Queen, Ready For Love, Cant Get Enough, Good Lovin Gone Bad and Movin On. Bad Company took a break following 1982s Rough Diamonds, and after a stint playing alongside David Gilmour on his About Face tour, Mick embarked on a solo career in 1984 with Take This! (CD1) which featured bassist Micky Feat and fellow Bad Company founder, drummer Simon Kirke, with a live band that consisted of guitarist Dave "Bucket" Colwell (later to join Ralphs in a reformed Bad Company), Uriah Heep drummer Chris Slade and Ozzy Osbourne keyboard player Lindsay Bridgewater. The version here features ten bonus tracks. Bad Company reformed with various line-ups, and after a reunion tour with the original quartet in 1999, Ralphs released his second solo album, the all instrumental Its All Good (CD2) in 2001. This is clearly an album by a man enjoying himself once more, recording an albums worth of music he loves and playing all of the instruments himself on the studio tracks. The songs were new Mick Ralphs solo recordings, except Hideaway, which was a previously unreleased Bad Company live recording from their 1999 USA tour, featuring Simon Kirke on drums and Boz Burrell on bass. Two years later his Thats Life - Cant Get Enough (CD3) album was released and included Budgie, an unreleased Bad Company track from 1977, plus a 1970 demo of Cant Get Enough, a song that went on to become Bad Companys biggest hit. In 2013, The Mick Ralphs Blues Band released Should Know Better - Live At The Musician (CD4), recorded in Leicester. Across seven tracks, Mick is joined by Stuart Maxwell on vocals and harmonica, Jim Maving on guitar, Dicky Baldwin on bass and Adam Perry on drums, and the set includes a cover of Jimmy Reeds Shame Shame Shame and Howlin Wolfs Evil.発売日: 2023/11/24ポーランド盤レーベル: Hne収録曲: 1.1 All It Takes1.2 Hey Baby1.3 Take This1.4 Give You My Love1.5 Fast Travelling Man1.6 On the Run1.7 Last Chance Saloon1.8 Rock Fever1.9 When the Revolution Comes1.10 Another Lonely Day1.11 Rock N Roller (Previously Unreleased)1.12 All Across the Nile (Previously Unreleased)1.13 All It Takes (Working Mix)1.14 Give You My Love (Working Mix)1.15 In the Run (Working Mix)1.16 Last Chance Saloon (Working Mix)1.17 When the Revolution Comes (Working Mix)1.18 Another Lonely Day (Demo)1.19 Rock N Roller (Working Mix)1.20 All Across the Nile (Working Mix)2.1 S.E.X2.2 Barking Mad2.3 Dont Need Money2.4 Jessica2.5 Hideaway (Live)2.6 Jazz-Wah2.7 Train Wreck2.8 Large!3.1 Under Pressure3.2 For My Baby3.3 Our Time3.4 A to Z3.5 You and Me3.6 Hey Hey3.7 Everybeat3.8 Nobody Knows Me3.9 Aint It Good?3.10 Fool for Your Loving3.11 Thats Life3.12 Budgie (Outtake 1977)3.13 Cant Get Enough (Demo 1970)4.1 Should Know Better4.2 Born Under a Bad Sign4.3 Just a Little Bit of Love4.4 Shame Shame Shame4.5 Evil4.6 Well Connected4.7 Big Riverコメント:Four solo albums from the guitarist and songwriter Mick Ralphs who was a founder member of two of the most important rock bands of the 1970s; Mott The Hoople and Bad Company. Mick Ralphs wrote many key songs across seven Mott The Hoople albums, followed by six records with Bad Company; these included Rock and Roll Queen, Ready For Love, Cant Get Enough, Good Lovin Gone Bad and Movin On. Bad Company took a break following 1982s Rough Diamonds, and after a stint playing alongside David Gilmour on his About Face tour, Mick embarked on a solo career in 1984 with Take This! (CD1) which featured bassist Micky Feat and fellow Bad Company founder, drummer Simon Kirke, with a live band that consisted of guitarist Dave "Bucket" Colwell (later to join Ralphs in a reformed Bad Company), Uriah Heep drummer Chris Slade and Ozzy Osbourne keyboard player Lindsay Bridgewater. The version here features ten bonus tracks. Bad Company reformed with various line-ups, and after a reunion tour with the original quartet in 1999, Ralphs released his second solo album, the all instrumental Its All Good (CD2) in 2001. This is clearly an album by a man enjoying himself once more, recording an albums worth of music he loves and playing all of the instruments himself on the studio tracks. The songs were new Mick Ralphs solo recordings, except Hideaway, which was a previously unreleased Bad Company live recording from their 1999 USA tour, featuring Simon Kirke on drums and Boz Burrell on bass. Two years later his Thats Life - Cant Get Enough (CD3) album was released and included Budgie, an unreleased Bad Company track from 1977, plus a 1970 demo of Cant Get Enough, a song that went on to become Bad Companys biggest hit. In 2013, The Mick Ralphs Blues Band released Should Know Better - Live At The Musician (CD4), recorded in Leicester. Across seven tracks, Mick is joined by Stuart Maxwell on vocals and harmonica, Jim Maving on guitar, Dicky Baldwin on bass and Adam Perry on drums, and the set includes a cover of Jimmy Reeds Shame Shame Shame and Howlin Wolfs Evil.




